Theresa Barry-Greb, MS PT
Facilitative Healing Center
841 Corporate Drive, Suite 301
Lexington, KY 40513
Phone: (859) 494-5851
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About Theresa: Theresa Barry-Greb PT, MS has been a licensed physical therapist for over 27 years in the Lexington, Kentucky area. She has been a certified emotional brain training provider for over 5 years teaching Wired for Joy and emotional brain training groups. She also has been practicing Reiki energy work for over 13 years.
What Theresa Can Do For You!
For the past 18 years, Theresa Barry-Greb has been inspiring men and women to make healthy changes in their lives. She has taught large audiences, small groups, and even individuals how to rewire their brain for health and happiness, how to understand how the wires in our brains prevent us from losing weight and how they can be “zapped,” and even helped hundreds develop effective skills necessary to help management stress through emotional brain braining (EBT).
What They Are Saying . . .
“Theresa exceeded my expectations. She is so real & able to connect with the audience.”
“She led us through identifying the joy to stressed states & gave some suggestions for moving from that state.”
“I appreciated her self-disclosure about her ED history & how the EBT training helped her was powerful & inspirational”
What is the Facilitative Healing Center?
The Facilitative Healing Center has been helping people achieve balance in their physical health and emotional wellness for over six years. They offer a variety of physical health and emotional wellness services including:
- Loving Journey groups
- Loving Journey coaching sessions
- Therapeutic massage
- Reiki Energy sessions
- Workshops on various spiritual topics
- Public Speaking on Mind, Body, and Spirit
Two Most Popular Topics and Programs:
Creating More Love & Joy in the Parent/Child Relationship
Learn how to shift fear based circuits in the brain into love based circuits using five practices to feel more love for yourself, others and create more loving relationships in your life. Discover how easy it is to feel unconditional love in your life on a daily basis. 1 Hr to ½ Day.
Standing in Love Workshop: Shifting from Fear to Love
Discover how a group of people with a common goal can co-create in a loving, resonate energy field to create the positive outcomes they are trying to achieve together. Learn the different tools to create this loving, resonate energy field for team cohesiveness and have lots of fun and love in the process. ½ to Full Day.